Kerry, on recovery

Kerry: Artist Statement

I have always thought about my recovery as a very, very, very long road, one that will never end and that has many exits, U turns, and dead ends.  I didn’t always choose the smartest route on the highway, but eventually I was able to obtain sobriety while traveling.  The dark bottom shows what would have awaited me or could await me if I relapse, while in comparison the bright top half shows everything I gain or get back by choosing to recover.  

The quote in the middle is my favorite quote, but I only chose to put the first half because until you reach that pivotal point in life when it's either recovery, death or jail, you don’t know how strong you are and you don’t quite yet know what you are capable of.  

For me, strength was the absolute last thing I had left, and I held onto it for dear life.  Everyone who cared about me stopped enabling me. I had no home, car, money, job, and usually not even any drugs.  The best thing my mother ever did (and the hardest thing for her to do) was to disown me. It made me stand up on my own two feet.  I mustered every ounce of strength I had and quit using drugs on December 12th, 2016.